Vote for a New Paradigm of Time Management

voting1.jpg Recently I submitted a proposal to an interesting website,, that hosts manifestos from thinkers on new and different ideas.

I thought that this might be a good way to share some of the thinking I have been doing on this blog with a wider audience. I thought I would go more public with the notion that professionals need to forget about the hundreds of tips floating around out there, find out what the fundamentals are, and then focus on practising them to perfection.

The result was a proposal, submitted to the website, which was accepted, and the polls are now open to the public to vote on the proposal, which, if accepted, will result in a full-blown Manifesto which will be posted on their site. (There is no cost or payment involved.)

I invite you to vote on whether or not I should write this manifesto, by following these steps: Continue reading “Vote for a New Paradigm of Time Management”

Draining the Swamp

If it’s one thing that you know about draining a swamp, it’s that once you start draining it, you don’t know what you are going to find.

The water level lowers, and the tallest stump reveals itself. It lowers some more, and the second tallest stump can then be seen. The process continues until the water is completely gone, which in a swamp may never happen.

A 2Time user faces the same challenge.

Once a user discovers the principles of 2Time and starts to practice the discipline of time management with a view to personal improvement, they find that they must work on, say “Capturing” first. Once they make some headway with this element, then another element becomes the next important one to work on, and so on.

The game can be played in this way, and it may never end.

The only warning is that the 11 Basic Elements of 2Time are the paramount structure that is being managed and improved over time. Other interesting distractions may arise, but they need to be understood in the larger context.

Ways to Say No

Critical to improving one’s productivity and moving up the belts in 2Time is the ability to say “No.” Here are some ways, as contributed by a reader of this blog, YCC.

Things You MUST Learn To Say To Manage Your Time

  • “Excuse me, I hate to cut you off, but I have an appointment.”
  • “That sounds really interesting for another time perhaps, but now I’ve gotta run.”
  • “Lets pick that up tomorrow, I’m falling behind schedule right now.”
  • “Actually no, I don’t have a minute now, but I’ll schedule time with you tomorrow morning.”
  • “Yes, I’ll be happy to…after my 3 o’clock appointment.”
  • “Heard you wanted to see me, I’m getting ready for an appointment, will you be here when I get back?”
  • “Sorry. If I don’t leave right now, I’ll be late for an appointment.”

On Being a Black Belt pt 3

I just read a great definition of what being a Black Belt is all about. I am paraphrasing what was written on the website Easy Time Tracking.

A Green Belt spends a great deal of their time working on being more productive, and more efficient.

A Black Belt’s goal, however, is to live better and to savor one’s time, and to live a better life. In other words, their focus is on quality rather than quantity.

Black Belts are simply able to live more of the life they want to live than anyone else, all other things being equal. Continue reading “On Being a Black Belt pt 3”

Time Tracking

I have been testing a new software programme that I discovered a few weeks ago that tracks time management use by taking and storing snapshots of the screen at different intervals.

I have been tracking my time for several years, and due to my habit of filling out my time sheet only twice (or less) per week, I have been less than happy. At the end of some weeks, I would stare at the time sheet with disbelief, because I could not recall what I did just the day before.

Uconomix Snaplogger takes care of faulty memories. You can tune it to take a shot every few minutes, if desired (I have mine set to every 5 minutes). Then, it shows what happened during the day in enough detail to fill out a time card with much more accuracy.

It is a very handy tool.

Did I mention that the free version does everything that I need?

Deliberate Practice

In the article “The Making of an Expert”, the author also makes the case that deliberate practice involves two kinds of learning:

“[…] improving the skills you already have and extending the reach and range of your skills. The enormous concentration required to undertake these twin tasks limits the amount of time you can spend doing them.”

These are useful distinctions for the 2Time user.

The author makes the points that

“[…] musicians over 60 years old who continue deliberate practice for about ten hours a week can match the speed and technical skills of 20-year-old expert musicians when tested on their ability to play a piece of unfamiliar music.”

Again, this is good advice for the executive who refuses, for example, to use a PDA of any kind and is forced to lower levels of productivity.

Measuring Success in 2Time

In the HBR article, “The Making of an Expert”, referred to in my last post, the author makes the case that “real expertise must pass three tests“, and I think that these three tests must also be applied to the 2Time system in a variety of ways.

“First, it must lead to performance that is consistently superior to that of the expert’s peers. Second, real expertise produces concrete results. Brain surgeons, for example, not only must be skillful with their scalpels but must also have successful outcomes with their patients. A chess player must be able to win matches at tournaments. Finally, true expertise can be replicated and measured in the lab.”

This has made me wonder. What are the measurable outcomes that expertise in time management should produce? Continue reading “Measuring Success in 2Time”

Death of a Thousand Tips


There are a number of time management websites that exist, all offering thousands of tips.

To read them all, however, is to do oneself a disservice and create a distraction, if that is where one starts in an attempt to improve productivity. The effect is the same as trying to build a skyscraper using construction tips, while being ignorant of the fundamentals. In general, people don’t like the idea of being THAT ignorant, so they focus on the trivial, easy things they can do (like buy a new PDA).

They also blame their own lack of productivity on some gift that they don’t have, claiming that other more productive people are either blessed or naturally effective, or just anal retentive.

Meanwhile, they have less and less of what they want in their lives, and are increasingly less fulfilled and more overwhelmed.

In a recent issue of the Harvard Business Review (July-August 2007), in the article “The Making of an Expert“, Anders Ericsson makes the point that

“New research shows that outstanding performance is the product of years of deliberate practice and coaching, not of any innate talent or skill.” Continue reading “Death of a Thousand Tips”

Habit Tracker — Joes Goals

I have been using a very simple and very useful habit tracker called Joe’s Goals. It is a very powerful tool that gives a visual display of how well one is doing in learning new habits.

I think there is further scope for applications like this, particularly in Outlook – but I am unable to find any that really work.

In any time management system, it is critically important to find effective ways to unlearn and learn new habits, and having an effective display of progress is only a part of the battle, but an important one.

Prioritizing Makes No Sense

line-up-height.jpg Almost all popular time management systems make the point that it is important to set priorities.

They argue that people spend a lot of time taking actions that are not the best actions to take at that particular moment in time. The solution is to sit down at regular intervals and to place action items in some kind of rank order.

In 2Time, prioritizing is not a basic element.

Why not?

Because prioritizing using some kind of number or ranking system is a waste of time.


Continue reading “Prioritizing Makes No Sense”